A Quick Guide to Generating Flame Graphs on macOS
Open a terminal and build your application. In this case we will build and
profile the Sunder compiler,
~/sources/sunder$ git rev-parse HEAD
~/sources/sunder$ make bin/sunder-compile CC=clang CFLAGS='$(GNU_REL)' >/dev/null
Open another terminal and clone the FlameGraph sources or navigate to an existing FlameGraph source directory.
~/sources$ git clone https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph.git
Cloning into 'FlameGraph'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1285, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (708/708), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (148/148), done.
remote: Total 1285 (delta 584), reused 574 (delta 560), pack-reused 577
Receiving objects: 100% (1285/1285), 1.92 MiB | 15.00 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (761/761), done.
~/sources$ cd FlameGraph/
From the FlameGraph sources terminal, run sample <APPLICATION> -wait -f sample.output
is the name of your application. The
program is installed with the Xcode command line tools by running
xcode-select --install
~/sources/FlameGraph$ sample sunder-compile -wait -f sample.output
Waiting for 'sunder-compile' to appear...
Then, in the application terminal, run your application in a scenario you would like to profile.
~/sources/sunder$ ./bin/sunder-compile -o hello examples/hello.sunder
In the FlameGraph terminal you should notice that the sample has been captured.
~/sources/FlameGraph$ sample sunder-compile -wait -f sample.output
Waiting for 'sunder-compile' to appear... sunder-compile appeared.
Sampling process 42408 for 10 seconds with 1 millisecond of run time between samples
Sampling completed, processing symbols...
Sample analysis of process 42408 written to file sample.output
From the FlameGraph Terminal, run the generated sample.output
through the
and flamegraph.pl
scripts, and redirect the output
to a .svg
~/sources/FlameGraph$ cat sample.output | ./stackcollapse-sample.awk | ./flamegraph.pl > sample.svg
You should now have a viewable flame graph.
~/sources/FlameGraph$ firefox --new-window "file://$(realpath sample.svg)"